Inadequate Education

Because I am adrift without my computer, a friend took pity on me and invited me over to her house to use her computer. Sweet, yes? As I dillied (which is bound to happen in that same inevitable way that computers suck time right out of life), she and I discussed what she might want […]

A Different Side of France and a BIG Surprise from Germany

Mike will likely not completely endorse my verbiage here, but I will stand behind it (and he is out-of-town in Ludwigsburg, so he isn’t here to argue!). He’s had a bee in his bonnet to go see Verdun for quite some time now, and we finally got to scratch that itch! We travelled to Saarbrücken […]

The “Waaa-mbulance” has Left the Station

I’d like to announce that the week of no whining has commenced (with a nod to little Lily via Claire on “Modern Family” for today’s title)! Yep, happy Monday to you, too! What, might you ask, has provoked such an unheard-of week??!! The weather, of course. The whole week, with not even one single little […]

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

I was the first person off the plane in Atlanta and the first person off the plane in Frankfurt. For very different reasons, I assure you (one borne of the urgency for things to be ok and one of convenience), but nonetheless, I think that being the first person on an escalator or in a […]

Things I Miss + Rome Days 2 and 3

Hi, Y’all! How is it going for you? I hope you are well and happy (bonus points if you are reading this while drinking hot chocolate or something along those lines)… Me, you ask? I am a-ok. Mike is traveling for work (he’s in Switzerland, calling it “work.” Rrriiiiggghhhhtttt. Whatever you say, sweetie), but I […]

The Day That Would Have Overwhelmed a Lesser Camera

Hi Y’all! I am happy to report that after several near death moments, I am no longer convinced that I am in fact, sure to die, of my germiness (or the medication given for my germiness; that stuff is ROUGH). I’m not yet willing to rule it out, but I no longer count it as […]

The Mayans May Be Right, Y’all… (My Dreams Came True, Part 1)

I’m not one to subscribe to much of that sort of ballyhooed, fatalist rigamarole, you know. Not about the end of the world, or zombies, for that matter. But… this morning, I woke up, and I realized that my own little corner of dreamland is over and I thought, “well, I guess this is it, […]


Last weekend, we went to Nuremberg. Nuremberg is famous for several reasons: the city was the “unofficial capital” of the Holy Roman Empire, as the Reichestage and courts met there; it was the center of the German renaissance in the 15th-16th centuries, the Nuremberg rallies of the Nazis, the Nuremberg laws were (obviously) passed here […]