Inadequate Education

Because I am adrift without my computer, a friend took pity on me and invited me over to her house to use her computer. Sweet, yes? As I dillied (which is bound to happen in that same inevitable way that computers suck time right out of life), she and I discussed what she might want […]

Konzentrationslager (KZ) Buchenwald

Buchenwald, only a handful of kilometers outside of the town of Wiemar, was a massive and horrific Concentration Camp established by the Nazis prior to the start of the war. In fact, many of the guards for camps all over Europe were trained at Buchenwald. Buchenwald held over 250,000 prisoners between 1938 and 1945, and […]

Rothenburg ab der Tauber

For the week and a half leading up to our visit to this small town, every time Mike said it, I thought he was saying “Rottenburg October.” Needless to say, I wasn’t all that excited… In fact, Rothenburg ab der Tauber is the only small town visit recommended to him by one of his German […]

Happy Day of German Unity, Y’all!

Today, October 3, is the 22nd anniversary of the treaty that unified Germany, almost one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Interestingly, The Day of German Unity has been celebrated in Western Germany for a really long time (since the 1950s, at least). It used to be celebrated on June 17, which was […]